Creating Your Personal Homepage with GitHub Pages!

1 minute read

This is the First Blog Post on My Personal Blog Website!

To create your own homepage using GitHub Pages, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Watch Tutorial(optional): Begin by watching this helpful tutorial on YouTube: Link to Video.

Step 2: Create GitHub Account: Go to GitHub and sign up for an account if you don’t already have one.


Step 3: Create a New Repository: Click the “+” icon to create a new repository.


Step 4: Name your repository in the format <username>


Step 5: Select a Template: Choose a template you like from GitHub Pages Themes.


Step 6: Clone the Theme Repository: Clone your selected theme repository into your newly created <username> repository.


Step 7: Edit the Configuration File: Open the _config.yml file and customize it according to your preferences.

title: Jing Gong (龚敬)
logo: /assets/img/logo.jpg
description: An undergraduate at the School of Software Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University.
show_downloads: false
theme: jekyll-theme-minimal

Step 8: Edit the Index File: Open the file, keep the first three lines as they are, and add your self-introduction in Markdown format.

layout: default
# About me

Step 9: Publish Your Homepage: Once you’re done editing, your homepage is ready to be published!

Jing Gong

Jing Gong

An undergraduate at the School of Software Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University.


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